Khamis, 12 Januari 2012

computer history and generation


First generation (1940-1956) Vaccum Tubes
Second Generation(1956-1963)Transistors
Third Generation(1964-1971)Integrated circuits
Fourth Generation(1971-present)Microprocessors
Fifth Generation(present-future)Artificial Intelligence


We already know about some of the early computers - ENIAC , EDVAC , EDSAC , UNIVAC I and IBM . These machines and others of their time used thousands of vacuum tubes . A vacuum tube was a fragile glass device , which used filaments as a source of electronics and could control and amplify electronic signals . It was the only high-speed electronic switching device available in those days . These vacuum tube computers could perform computations in milliseconds and were referred to as first generation computers.

The memory of these computers used electromagnetic relays , and all data and instructions were fed into the system from munched cards . The instructions were written in machine and assembly languages because high-level programming languages were introduced much later . Since machine and assembly languages are very difficult to work with , only a few specialists understood how to program these early computers


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